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Battens Charitable Trust
27 October 2021

A generous donation from Battens Charitable Trust will support the ongoing care of cancer patients at Dorset County Hospital.
The recent donation of £1500 will go towards the DCH Chemotherapy Appeal which is funding the complete redevelopment of the Fortuneswell Chemotherapy Unit at the hospital.
When the project is complete it will provide a more pleasing environment for patient care and improved working facilities for staff. There will be more space for visitors to sit with patients having treatment (once COVID restrictions are relaxed for visitors) and dedicated areas for the storage and preparation of drug treatments.
A Trustee of Battens Charitable Trust said,
“We are delighted to make this grant towards the Chemotherapy Appeal because we understand how much difference this will make to patients treated at the hospital. We are very happy to be able to support Dorset County Hospital as it continues to improve care for all its patients.”
Simon Pearson, Head of Charity at Dorset County Hospital said,
“We are grateful to Battens Charitable Trust for this generous donation and to all our donors and supporters. The Chemotherapy Appeal will fund this important project which will enhance the care environment for chemotherapy patients at our hospital.
“The ongoing support from the Trust is very much appreciated and enables us to develop further projects to benefit patients into the future.”
Battens Charitable Trust's previous support has included donations to the Cancer Appeal and in 2020 to the hospital’s Covid-19 Appeal. This supported staff working under pressure during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic and continues to provide facilities and services to protect the wellbeing of staff.
For further information on how to support Dorset County Hospital email or visit