
09 August 2018

Dental implant specialist and Zimbabwe national, Hendrik De Waal, instructed Battens to help him buy a high street dental practice and take on its existing employees.

How we helped:

To maximise efficiency, we streamlined all aspects of the deal by drawing on the expertise of specialist solicitors from three different fields and successfully managed the entire practice purchase from start to finish: ·

Company Commercial specialist, Katherine Gilmour, dealt with the purchase of the business, including the business’s name and the company’s assets

Commercial Property expert, Roger Chadwick, negotiated the terms of the lease, including limiting our client’s obligations under it. He also handled all aspects of the property searches, stamp duty, land tax, and the land registry.

Employment specialist, Dawn Gallie, advised on our client’s obligations to the business’s existing employees under TUPE, and transferred the contracts of the existing employees accordingly.

Outcome: Mr De Waal was delighted with the deal we secured for him. His new business, De Waal’s Dental Practice, is thriving

Client Feedback: “I had spent nine years working for a large medical company and wanted to get out of the big brother bureaucracy it entailed. Battens did a great legal job in helping me purchase my new business and were professional, friendly and efficient at every stage.”


For questions about this case study, or to speak with a specialist solicitor, please call contact Dawn Gallie on 01935 846233 or

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