What you need to know about debt recovery costs and timescales.

If you are owed money we can help by embarking upon either the court and/or insolvency processes to obtain payment through our Asset and Debt Recovery services.

Pre-Legal Stage

The first stage of the process is to issue a Letter of Claim. This will notify the Debtor that court proceedings will commence if full payment is not received within either 7 days (Business to Business), 14 days (Individual to Individual or Individual to Business) or 30 days (Business to Individual) of the date of the Letter.

On all pre-legal recoveries we will charge you a flat fee of £30 plus VAT at 20% per letter(s).

County Court Proceedings

If no money is recovered within the deadline imposed, the following fees apply on the issue of County Court proceedings to include obtaining a County Court Judgment (CCJ) and are only applicable for straightforward, undisputed claims.

When calculating the interest and compensation on the outstanding amount, your claim may tip over into a higher banding, resulting in a higher cost.

The VAT elements of our fees cannot be reclaimed from the debtor unless ordered by the court.


Court Fees*
VAT not applicable

Delsira LLP' Fees
excluding VAT at 20%

Does not exceed £300



Exceeds £300 but does not exceed £500



Exceeds £500 but does not exceed £1,000



Exceeds £1,000 but does not exceed £1,500



Exceeds £1,500 but does not exceed £3,000



Exceeds £3,000 but does not exceed £5,000



Exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £10,000



Exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £200,000

5% of the value of the claim


Obtaining a CCJ



* Subject to change by notice of the Court Service

To obtain a CCJ takes on average between 6 to 8 weeks.

The above fees apply to all debts under the £200,000 limit and for all debts over this amount, please click here and we will give you call back.

Enforcement Action

Once a CCJ is obtained against the Debtor, enforcement action can be taken and we will be able to discuss with you the most suitable method to obtain payment.


Court Fees*
VAT not applicable

Delsira LLP' Fees
excluding VAT at 20%

Order to obtain information from a Judgment Debtor



Application to request Bailiff service of the Order to obtain information from a Judgment Debtor



Application for an Attachment of Earnings



Re-issue of Order to obtain financial information and an Attachment of Earnings



Request for a Warrant of Control



Re-issue of a Warrant of Control



Application to instruct a High Court Enforcement Officer



Application for a Final Charging Order



Application for an Order for Sale



Application for a Third Party Debt Order



Dependant on which course of action you embark upon, is dependent upon the time scale involved but on average each method of enforcement takes between 4 to 16 weeks.


The following fees apply as an alternative to the issue of proceedings and again are only applicable for straightforward, undisputed claims.


VAT not applicable

Court Fee
VAT not applicable

Court Deposit
VAT not applicable

Delsira LLP' Fees
excluding VAT at 20%

Statutory Demand





Bankruptcy Search Fee





Bankruptcy Petition





Winding Up Petition





This process can take between 10 and 20 weeks.

Hourly Rates

For more complicated claims and/or debts which are or will become disputed, the following hourly rates will apply and are not subject to VAT.


£195 to £275

Senior Associates/Associates

£185 to £235

Other solicitors and Legal Executives

£145 to £200

Trainee Solicitors/Paralegals

£60 to £155

Potential Additional Costs

For example, but not limited to.


Third Party Fees
excluding VAT at 20%

Delsira LLP' Fees
excluding VAT at 20%

Your Debtor has disappeared and a current address is required to be found

Between £50.00 for office-based enquiries and £150.00 for on-foot enquiries


An agent is required to attend the Debtor’s address, for whatever reason

Between £150 - £200.00


Where documents are required to be personally served

Between £75 - £200


Where documents are required to be sworn/affirmed

£5.00 for the Affidavit and £2.00 for each Exhibit


The above can take between 1 and 28 days.

Enquire today